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中法家庭尋找幫手 french-chinese family search helper from september
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

中法家庭尋找幫手 french-chinese family search helper from september

法國人 | 家庭 | 有 2個成人 + 2小孩 | 4 - 會員

已刊登: 1 yr. ago



We are a family with 2 kids . My husband is French and i#39;m Chinese, we both speak English . We have 2 kids, the elder one is 4 years, and young one is 1 and half years. The elder one can understand Chinese and speak French , will learn English.

We will move to hongkong at septembre, and we need find one person to help us, mainly to take care my small baby (17 month), clean room and cooking. We are very easy going ,respect the person, and if you work for us , you dont have to work long time. But we are not get used to live with other person, so we hope you can live outside by yourself. On the other hand, we can offer more holiday for you (summer holiday can be almost 2 month)

We hope to find a person who is responsible, easy-going and friendly to our kids. the contact can start from first days of september . thanks.


我們將會在9月份搬到香港生活居住,因為我們的工作原因,想要請一位幫手照顧我們家的孩子,主要是照顧小的孩子(一歲半), 打掃衛生整理家務及做飯,我們很好相處,工作時間不會很長,但是我們比較在乎隱私,不太習慣一起住宿,所以希望你能有自己的居住地方。但是我們可以提供比較多的假期,(尤其是暑假可以給假期幾乎兩個月)


