女性 | _身 | 没有小孩 | 菲律宾人 | 天主教
My name is Amelita. I am single, 57 years of age. I am presently working here in North Point taking care of 2 small dogs and 2 adults for 8 years. The reason why I'm looking for another employer is that they will migrate to Canada soon. I am a hardworking reliable and trustworthy. Thank you and hope to find in your good office
香港人 家庭
职责: 家居整理, 烹饪, 照顾长者, 照顾宠物, 园艺, 洗车, 採购生活杂货
台湾人 家庭
职责: 家居整理, 烹饪, 照顾小孩, 照顾长者, 洗车, 採购生活杂货