
Very Active



(46 Years)

Female | Widowed | 1 Kid | Indonesian | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

I am Elvi, 46 years old, widowed, and have 1 child 19 years old. I am from Indonesia. I've been working as a domestic helper for 5 years in Timor Leste. Then coming to Singapore in 2019 as a care giver for ahma and her daughter with cancer that's my first employer until January 2023 (passed away). and 1 year and 6 months in Singapore with my current employer taking care ahma also but only 5 month ahma gone already then I decided to continue until finish contract... Daily job cooking, general house chores , 4 adults with pets (12 cats and 3 dogs). My previous employer and my current employer theirs friends.I am excellent at household chores, pet care, and caring for children and the elderly. I am loving, honest, and responsible in my work. Transfer on September 12, 2024. Thank you. 

Work Experience


My Expectations

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