Very Active



(36 Years)

Female | Single | 3 Kids | Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Good Day Ma'am/Sir, my name is Sarah Meh, 36 years of age, have 3 kids age 18, 15 and 4 years old. I am currently working here in Qatar as Domestic Helper and my contract of two years will be finish on August 8, 2024. In this regard, I will take this opportunity to look for a prospective employer. I work here in Qatar with 7 members in a family, two seniors, 4 adults and one baby but i took care for it since new born. Working here abroad was never easy especially the culture differences, language barrier but by God's greece i managed to finish my contract of two years with no problem. I hope you will allow me to work with you soon. I will be glad and forever grateful as it will greatly help my family and me. If you have questions or want to know more about me I am willing to do some interview. 

Work Experience


My Expectations

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