
Very Active



(37 Years)

Female | Single | 2 Kids | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

My name is Maryolanda, 37 years old, and a loving mother of 2 kids. I have been working as a housemaid and nanny since I was 13 years old. Currently, I am working as a housemaid and nanny in Saudi Arabia for 8 years with the same employer. I take care of a couple and their 3 kids, aged 12, 10, and 5 years old. My duties include taking care of the children, preparing their meals, helping them get ready for school, taking them to school, and picking them up. I also engage in activities and playtime with them. For household tasks, I clean the house, mop the floor, cook, do the laundry, and iron clothes. I consider myself trustworthy, honest, flexible, hardworking, and considerate as a nanny. If given the opportunity to work with your family, I am willing to work. Thank you and God bless.

Work Experience

My Expectations

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