
Very Active



(42 Years)

Female | Single | No Kids | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hello good day to all i am Maricel, from Philippines I am single. 42 years am hard working trustworthy honest patient understanding kind. My first experience abroad is in syria. My duties is to take care of elderly she's bed ridden .take her bath change clothes change diaper comb her hair help her transfer on the wheelchair cook food for her and cleaning like mopingfloor dusting wash clothes marketing.that was 2008  to 2011. In Singapore I am working of a family 4 2 adult and 2 child my duties is take of child's marketing wash clothes mopping floor cooking ect.
Second time in Singapore is to take care of elderly my duties is take bath him brush him teeth change him diaper help him transfer on wheelchair give medicine bring him check up cooking feed him. My 3rth in Singapore is to take care of 3adult and pets my duties is washing clothes mopping sweeping floor cooking take care also the 3dogs and 4cats I'll feed them and prafer Thier food bring them out to poop outside take them a bath and dry.  

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