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Ma. Jeanie Clo
Ma. Jeanie Clo

Ma. Jeanie Clo

(24 Years)

Female | Single | No Kids | Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hi, ma'am and sir! Good Evening. Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Ma. Jeanie, 24 years old. A college graduate taking up Bachelor's of Arts Major in political Science at University of Antique. I am single. We are 3 siblings. I have 2 brothers, and I am the eldest among us. I worked before as a housekeeper in San Jose, Antique. My duties in my employer's house are cleaning, cooking, doing the laundry, taking care of their kid, and I also take care of their pet, which is a puppy. I am also good at caring for a child because my cousin's children are always at our house every day. In that way, I know how to handle and understand children and take good care of them. 

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