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(38 Years)

Female | Married | 4 Kids | Filipino | Christian

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About Me

Hi good day. I'm Leonor, 38 years old and married with 4 children. I have work experience in Hong Kong for 2 years and a finished contract. My main duties are:

Taking care of newborn baby boy 7days old,. My couple employer's need to work after 1 month so i need to take good care the baby alone at the same time, cleaning the house and organise everything at home. Feeding the baby in a bottle alone and helping the baby take a bath by myself. Other duties are Cooking, Hand-wash baby's clothes including employer's uniforms, Ironing, Cleaning and washing baby's bottles. Cleaning and washing plates. Cleaning the kitchen, Bed, and toilet. Marketing.

Taking baby outside for playing time at playgrounds. 

Tutoring baby as grow up.

I always have a good heart in taking good care of newborn baby. I am good at cooking healthy Chinese soup as my sir mother from mainland China trained me. I can communicate conversational cantonese. More about my duties. 

I'm a playful and so much care about kids happiness. I know how to adjust about Emergency situations like baby non stop to cry. More importantly my patience is very long and i respect the culture traditions and beliefs of chinese people.

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