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(34 Years)

Female | Married | 3 Kids | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Dear Madam/Sir, I am Joan, 34 years of age, a high school graduate, happily married, and have 3 kids aged 13, 5, and 3 years old. I worked abroad from 2016 to 2018 in Hong Kong. I have now decided to return and work in Hong Kong again because we are struggling financially, and going back is the best solution for me to support my family.

My previous employer was a stay-at-home mom with a 15-year-old and a 3-year-old daughter. I took care of the kids, bathed them, fed them, took them to the school bus, picked them up from school, took them to activities, read books, and sometimes tutored and played with them. If my employer was not around, I would cook for the kids. My employer usually cooked our dishes, but sometimes she would teach me, and I would prepare all the ingredients. I also cleaned the house, did laundry, washed dishes, went to the market, and grocery shopped. I am kind, honest, trustworthy, hardworking, a good listener, and willing to learn. I love kids, and while I can't promise anything, I will do my best.

To my future employer, thank you in advance, and God bless.

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