

(38 Years)

Female | Married | 1 Kid | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hi, my name is Hename. I am 39 years old and I am from the Philippines. I am married and I have 1 son, he is 18 years old. I have worked for 6 years in Doha, Qatar as a domestic helper. My duties include taking care of a newborn and a toddler. I know how to do household chores like cooking, marketing, ironing, washing clothes, and cleaning. To my future employer, you should hired me because I am physically fit honest, hardworking,  fast learner, independent, trustworthy, and a kids lover. I know how to organize my work I promise I will do my best to serve your family much better and I will take good care of your children like my own child. Thank you and God bless.

Work Experience


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