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Find Domestic Helper


(42 Years)

Female | Married | | Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hi, good day! I'm Fatima, 42 years old, and I live in the Philippines. I am married and have 6 children. My goal is to work as a domestic helper to provide a better future and meet the needs of my family. I have experience as a domestic helper in Saudi Arabia for 2 years and in the Philippines for 4 years. I am skilled in a wide range of household chores, including ironing, cleaning, washing clothes, marketing, and cooking. Additionally, I have experience in childcare and elderly care, where I approach my work with patience, empathy, and a strong sense of responsibility. I understand the importance of creating a safe and comfortable environment.

Please consider me as your domestic helper. I am hard-working, honest, and loyal. Even at 42 years old, I am capable of fulfilling any tasks you need me to do in your home. I will respect your rules and promise to complete my 2-year contract or continue working for your family as long as needed. Thank you, and have a great day!

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