Very Active



(40 Years)

Female | Single | 1 Kid | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hello Good Day Ma'am/Sir,

        I'm Amy and as my work experience before going abroad  I was a sales assistant in shopping mall for a year and a factory worker for 2 years.. then I became an OFW DH since 2014 in Saudi Arabia..

As a sales assistant requires endurance in standing for 8 hours with a high heels shoes and always smiling for the customers.. 

As a factory worker requires  agility, accuracy and focus as you're dealing with the machine. 

As a DH especially in Saudi Arabia requires patience, understanding, flexibility as they have a different culture and religion.. no using of cellphone for almost 5 years and  without a single day off..

 I can do whatever task my employer wanted me to do.. cleaning, cooking, ironing, laundry, care for kids/elders and marketing.. 


Work Experience


My Expectations

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