
Very Active



(31 Years)

Female | Single | 2 Kids | Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Good day to all employers, how are you. I hope that you have all good conditions together with your family. My name is Jessabel. I am kind, responsible, trustworthy, understanding, flexible, and willing to learn more. I am easily attach with the kids. My work experience is being nanny in manila for 2 years. I am the one taking care of the new born baby and 4 year old boy. I change diaper, bath them and prepare them foods. Also washing and iron clothes. My other experience is I've been domestic helper in kuwait for 2 years finished contract. Serving 5 members of the family. I am the one cleaning the house, washing and iron clothes and cooking foods. I am hardworking and good. Thank you so much. 

Work Experience


My Expectations

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