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(44 Years)

Female | Married | 5 Kids | Filipino | Christian

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About Me

Hi Sir/Madam, 

I am Wennie, 44 years old. You can call me Wendy in short. 

I am looking for a new employer because my employer no longer need my service, because yeye is passed away last Jan 30, 2024. 

I am from Pangasinan City in Philippines. I have 2 sons, 23 years old & 15 years old and 3 daughter 25, 17, 12 years old. They are now living in my mother hometown. My purpose of working here is to provide for my family needs, I want to give a good education for them. 

My current employer is a Hongkong family of elderly couple. I wake up 7am to prepare yeye’s needs before I wake him up. Because he is not totally work by he’s own. I feed him breakfast, after we go down to do walk a little bit. I have a routine for yeye give him medicine, exercise, feeding, take a shower. I finish my duties around 8pm. 

I have also previous experiences with Arab family in UAE. My duties is only to cleaning the house, looking after the especial daughter.

I have experience also to taking care pet with a Chinese family also here in Hongkong. 

I am looking for an employer with a children, or elderly. I am a helper that have strong as I can, I can communicate well and can manage my time. I am willing to learn more as per of my employer. If you hire me, I can assure you that I will do my best to care your family and you can trust me. 

I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Thank you and God bless!

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