

(30 Years)

Female | Married | 3 Kids | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hi, good day. I am Shane, 30 years old, married with 3 kids. I am a Filipino. I've been working as a domestic helper for a total of 4 years. For 2 years in Jordan and 2 years here in Hong Kong with my current employer. My employers are 2 adults and 2 teens. I was assigned in doing house hold chores, laundry, marketing, cooking, wash clothes , and tidy things. I will finish my contract on May 19, 2025. I can say that I am very hardworking and willing to learn new things in my future employer. I am also honest and trustworthy. Feel free to message me anytime. Thank you.

Work Experience

My Expectations

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