Female | Married | 1 Kid | Filipino | Catholic
Hello Ma'am/Sir. My name is Rosaly, and I am 30-years-old Filipino with seven years of work experience here in Hong Kong.I'm being honest, kind, patient, and willing to learn and follow instructions.My 1st employer I've been work there 4yrs contract takecare 3kids at age of 14yrs old,7yrs old and 3yrs old and I am only 1 helper stay in madam,my mainly duties are:cooking,households chores,marketing,sending and pick up kids to school and activity classes,ironing sometimes.
Currently,working a family of 4:2 kids age 6years old girl and 3yrs old boy and 2 adults,weekdays grandparents visit. I have been with them for 2 years on coming May 16,2024. My responsibilities include housekeeping, cooking, grocery shopping, laundry, and childcare. I'll finish my contract soon and I'm looking for a new employer.
In addition, I worked with my second employer for 1year, and I takecare 1kid and 2 adults 1 elder.My primary duties included cooking, grocery shopping, household chores and send and pick up the child from school.
Thank you for considering my application.
Chinese Family
Duties: Cooking, Housekeeping, Kids Care, Marketing
I don't have a reference letter