
Very Active



(42 Years)

Female | Married | 2 Kids | Indonesian | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hi, Ma'am/Sir. I'm Priskila, 42 years old, and Indonesian. I have worked in Hong Kong for 12 years and more . My current employers are 2 adults, and 2 dog I've been with them for 2 years. I do household,cooking, and marketing. I'll finish my contract on November 2, 2024, and I'm looking for a new employer.  Another experience is take care of the kids 7 years old to 9 years old and to adult in yung long , my work cooking, go to market, household ,drop the kids go to school and pick , bring go to activity work with Hong Kongers 2020 - 2022 Another experience is working with UK Chinese family in wanchai 2 adult, 1 daughter 11 years old working with them 1year and 6 months the reason because they go back to UK , my work is household, cooking, market,laundry ironing 2019-2020 Another experience is take care of newborn baby until 6 years old and 2 adult Hong Kong , my duty is ,household ,laundry ,go to play date and some activity outside with a baby cooking for baby from 2013 to 2019 Another experience is take care of 1 pet and 2 adult Hong Kong family , cooking, go to market, laundry,ironing,household, bring the dog for walk , from 2011 to 2013 Another experience in Singapore 3 years take care newborn baby and 1dog 2 adult, cooking, laundry,household star from 2007to 2010 My definition is cooking , I love pets dan take care baby thank you

Work Experience

My Expectations

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