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Mary Jean
Mary Jean

Mary Jean

(49 Years)

Female | Married | 2 Kids | Filipino | Catholic

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About Me

Hi Sir or Madam, 

I am Mary Jean, 49 years old. My friends used to call me MJ and so everybody does. 

I am now looking for a new employer because my employer terminated our contract due to financial problems. She even gave me a good recommendation letter. 

I am from Atimonan, Quezon in the Philippines. I have 2 kids 23 years old and 20 years old. They are now living with my husband in my hometown. My purpose of working here is to provide for my family in the Philippines. I want to give good education opportunities to my offsprings. 

My current employer is a HK and American family of 4, the parents and the kids. I wake up at 7am to cook their breakfast and prepare the eldest for school. After that I tidy up and clean the house. And bring the youngest to the clubhouse and play when we come back home. I will shower him and put on bed for nap then I will prepare their lunch and feed them during lunch time. When they’re done, I will bring them to the park. I didn’t cook their dinner because someone from grandmother’s house bring it for us. So after dinner, I do the dishes and prepare the kids for bed. I usually go to bed around 8:30pm. 

I also have previous experiences with a Chinese family with 2 kids and a mix family with a newborn and a dog. 

I am looking for an employer with a newborn baby since I love taking care of them. My strong point as a helper is I can communicate well with my employer and I can work without supervision. I am also willing to learn more as per my employer’s request. 

If you hire me rest assured that I will take good care of your family and you can trust me. 

I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Thank you and God bless you!

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