Ma. Francy

Very Active

Ma. Francy

Ma. Francy

(40 Years)

Female | Single | 1 Kid | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

I am Ma. Francy, 41 years old, I'm a Filipino. I worked in the Middle East for 2 years, in Hong Kong for 10 years and to my Previous Employer I've been worked for them for 6yrs New born and Toddlers.

 My current Employers are 2 adults with 2 kids, and I've been with them for 2 years. I do housekeeping, cooking, car washing, and child care ,marketing.

 I'll Finish My Contract on October 21, 2024.

 I am looking for a New Employer, I can work without supervision. I am hardworking, patient, honest, loyal, trustworthy and reliable, I also love cooking, and I am willing to learn more and improve myself.

 Thank you😊

Work Experience


My Expectations

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