
Very Active



(52 Years)

Female | Single | 3 Kids | Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

My name is Joselyn, 52 years old, a single mom with 3 kids, and Filipino. I worked in Taiwan for 2 years, and in Hong Kong for 5 years. My current employers are 2 adults with 2 kids, aged 4 yrs.old and 6 yrs. Old. and I've been with them for 2 years. I do housekeeping,( cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, marketing, send and pick up to school. Send them to their different activities.  Bring lunch to school, bring them to the park and toy rides and child care. I can  take care  a new born baby, and also take care an elderly one, as a caregiver. My backround is, i finished a Nursing course.  A BSN graduate Batch 1993. And had an experienced as a caregiver in Taiwan for 2 yrs. As a caregiver year 1997-1999.

'll finish my contract on Sept. 18 2024.  Thank  you. 

Work Experience


My Expectations

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