Don't worry more Domestic Helper are available in Hong Kong.
Female | Single | 1 Kid | Filipino | Christian
My name is Hernalyn, 45 years old, and Filipino. I worked in Singapore for 4 years, in Dubai for 2 years, and in Hong Kong for 14 years. My last employers were 2 adults, and I was with them for 1 year and 6 months. I did housekeeping, cooking, marketing, car washing, and pet care for 2 dogs. I was terminated on February 8, 2025, as they dont need helper as of the moment..
Chinese Family
Duties: Cooking, Housekeeping, Pet Care, Car Washing, Marketing, Gardening
I have a reference letter
American Family
Duties: Cooking, Housekeeping, Kids Care, Pet Care, Tutoring, Car Washing, Marketing
I don't have a reference letter
Australian Family
Duties: Cooking, Housekeeping, Baby Care, Kids Care, Pet Care, Tutoring, Marketing, Car Washing
I don't have a reference letter