Charae Lou

Very Active

Charae Lou

Charae Lou

(36 Years)

Female | Married | 2 Kids | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

I'm Charae Lou, 36 years of age, married with 2 children. I am an undergraduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing last 2007 but I graduated as an Adult Infant Child Care Caregiver here in Hong Kong last 2019.

I worked for 2 years in Singapore, 2 years in Saudi Arabia, and for 7 years here in Hong Kong. Currently working for a couple with 2 kids for 3 years. I do all house chores and kids care. I'm a hardworking young woman, full of enthusiasm and zest, can work under pressure and with less supervision. I love children and I treat them well like my children too. I have broken my contract and last day of work is on April 2, 2025.

I am looking for a job that I can work long to support my family especially children for their needs at school. Thank you.

Work Experience


My Expectations

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