European | Family | with 2 adults + 3 kids | 5 - Member
Posted: 2 mo. ago
Hi, we are looking for an Indonesian helper, age 27-39, as our 2nd helper. No agency and direct hire only. Location in Singapore or Batam & ready to start work on 1st February - Family of 5 (Western-Indonesian couple with 3 yo, 1.5 yo and 4 months old. JOB WILL BE SHARING WITH CURRENT HELPER! - Have experience looking after a baby or toddler - Take care children (prepare for school, pick up from school 3 times a week, play, entertain kids. Shower & feeding if necessary) - Household duties (we are expecting a good cleaner, laundry, iron etc) - Must be able to speak English - Salary $600-$700