Singaporean Indian family looking for helper
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Singaporean Indian family looking for helper

Singaporean | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member

Posted: 2 days ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We are a family of 4 - 2 sons 7 years and 3 years old. Both of us work full time and we are looking for a helper for our household.

Our older son goes to to Primary 2, by school bus. Our younger son goes to preschool, which is walking distance from our home so the helper will need to drop and pick him up.

We are mostly vegetarian, but also eat chicken and fish occasionally. We would like a helper who can manage the kitchen, grocery requirements, meal planning and is able to try new recipes. We enjoy healthy cooking and the daily cooking is not heavy cooking. We also call friends over often, and need someone with a good attitude who is friendly with guests.

We are looking for a helper who is experienced with kids of this age, can manage public transport/ taking taxi to bring the kids to their classes, and is able to manage the household well. Most importantly, she needs to have a good attitude and be willing to learn how to work in our home. Our kids are very loving and helpful, so we are hoping to find someone who can mix well with us.

Required Skills / Duties

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