Looking for helper to take care of 20 months kid and newborn
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Looking for helper to take care of 20 months kid and newborn

Singaporean | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member

Posted: 4 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

Criteria: - Must love kids and have patience with kids - Must be able to share room with newborn and 20 months baby - Must have experience of taking care newborn and toddlers - Must be able to speak and understand English and simple Chinese - Must at least complete 2 contracts in Singapore with at least 1 contract 3 years and above - Must be able to handle pork - Must not be a phone addict, phone usage is allowed but when baby is awake and at home, no phone allowed. Phone usage will be taken away if abused. - Must be able to cook and plan meals for adults and babies independently. -Age 26 to 45 ( but negotiable) - No boyfriend, loan , finance problem Background We are a Chinese family of 3( 2 adults and 1 20 months old baby) located in Punggol .We will be expecting another newborn baby next year so candidate need to be open to take care of newborn baby.Elder kid will be at school most of the times and will be back in the evening for dinner with the adults.our family usually eat out at weekend thus cooking is only for weekdays except for the kids who needs meals on weekends too. Jobscope: - Take care of 20 months boy independently ( e.g change diaper, take care when sick, plan meals, potter training) - cook meals for family ( usually on weekdays but for babies will be everyday) - Do general housework ( e.g ironing, clean toilet, mopping, sweeping etc) - Take care of newborn ( e.g changing diaper, feed formula,breast milk)

Required Skills / Duties

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