Looking for an honest, caring helper for our family
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Looking for an honest, caring helper for our family

Canadian | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member

Posted: 1 day ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We are a family of 2 adults, 2 kids (4 years old and 5 month old baby) and are looking for a reliable, responsible and caring helper to join our family. 

Main duty will be to take care of the baby and the 4 year old.

Daily tasks include: 

  • Looking after baby, changing diapers, feeding, preparing baby food, putting down for naps.
  • Getting 4 year old ready for school, packing lunch, dropping to bus and picking up rom bus. Playing with 4 year old and taking for activities. 
  • Preparing meals for the family including breakfast, occasional lunch, and dinner. 
  • Housekeeping including cleaning, organizing, laundry, ironing etc. 

MUST be excellent with children, willing to work 2 Sundays a month (compensated) and be open to working with another helper in the future. 

We offer a separate room and bathroom (will need to share with another helper in the future), respectful environment and good compensation. 

If you love kids, are hardworking, and looking to join a caring family, please apply. 

Required Skills / Duties

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