International Family with 2x Big Dogs
Very Active
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

International Family with 2x Big Dogs

Ireland | Family | with 2 adults and pet | 2 - Member

Posted: 1 hr. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description


we are an international couple living in a 3 bedroom landed property and we are looking for a helper who can cook healthy and tasty meals, preference for Western and/or Indian cooking.  

We also have 2x bigs dogs which are a 3 year old Pointer and a 1,5 Year old Weimaraner. Helper must love animals and have experience in pet care managing big dogs to take them for walks, prepare their meals, medicine and grooming.

We would also need someone who is very proactive in doing household chores and actively cleans, tidies, does laundry and ironing and car washing.  

Start date Is flexible, if you are interested please reach out!

Required Skills / Duties

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