Indian family looking for a nanny to look after twins
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Indian family looking for a nanny to look after twins

Indian | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids and pet | 4 - Member

Posted: 20 hr. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

Hi, we are an Indian couple living in Singapore for the last 11 years with our 2 dogs. We have one helper who looks after our home and our pets.

We recently had babies (twins) and are now looking for a second helper to join us as a nanny. Your main job will be to look after the babies and take care of their needs. Accommodation will be in the nursery room with the babies.

We are looking for someone who is dedicated, easy to work with and is highly trustworthy. We treat our staff like family and are looking for the right person to join us.

Required Skills / Duties

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