Indian expat family with newborn and pet
Very Active
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Indian expat family with newborn and pet

Indian | Family | with 2 adults + 1 kid and pet | 3 - Member

Posted: 20 hr. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We are an Indian couple with a newborn and a Labrador, looking for a reliable, long-term helper to join our home. 

Main duties: caring for our baby while we’re at work, feeding/walking the dog, and general housekeeping (cleaning, laundry, ironing, and cooking when time permits). 

Our previous helper stayed 5 years, and our current one, who has been amazing, is leaving due to personal reasons. We value trust and reliability, and offer a warm, respectful home. 

If interested, please reach out!

Required Skills / Duties

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