Compassionate nanny to help single mom, 6yo boy and cat
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Compassionate nanny to help single mom, 6yo boy and cat

Malaysian | Family | with 1 adult + 1 kid and pet | 2 - Member

Posted: 3 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

Looking for minimum 9+ years experience and a long-term employee with a track record of long service. Must be respectful and able to work with single parent diaspora family, a team player and understanding of challenges.

Recruiting a candidate from South East Asia.

Need a nanny helper with good childcare skills, solid teamwork and communication and high emotional intelligence and self-control skills to help a family of 1 single mom, a six year old boy and a cat.

The right person should be good, loving and kind nanny to the boy.

  • Take the child to school and back and activities.
  • Should be able to take the child on the back of a motorcycle taxi to activities. 
  • Clean, well organized, responsible with money and honest with money. 
  • Must focus on showing good manners, good behaviour and help with raising the 6 year old boy, help with homework and school things, feeding and preparing simple nutritious meals for the family. Must speak gently and teach good values to the child. Respectful and professional, and willing to learn. Patient, kind-hearted and is able to understand children. 
  • Must be responsible and able to look after the child when the mum is travelling.
  • Must be discreet and professional and not gossipping. 
  • Hardworking, diligent, responsible, trustworthy, respectful and efficient. 
  • Must not be addicted to the phone, and pay attention to the child as a priority, to their safety, health and wellbeing.
  • Do housekeeping, cleaning, groceries, gardening, washing the car, tidying, organizing, and household tasks.

Salary from USD 500 and above with perks, like holidays and annual leave to be discussed. The helper will be required to travel with the family from time to time as well. 

Live-in, two Sundays off (with overtime payment) and other perks to be discussed

Required Skills / Duties

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