Working mum with 6 years old boy (no pet) in MOS
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Working mum with 6 years old boy (no pet) in MOS

HongKongese | Family | with 1 adult + 1 kid | 2 - Member

Posted: 1 day ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

I am a Hong Kong local and I am 40.
I am a working mum with a 6 year old son. My son studies in international school.
I live in a three bedroom flat in Ma On Shan. You will have a separate room.
We have a car but no pet. You will be responsible for car wash every week.
You will spend a lot of time with the boy and it is important you have POSITIVE parenting skills, good EQ and good communication skills. To build trust with me, you are expected to pro-actively communicate with me, on each day, what had happened during the day, what things you need my help / cooperation, and to report status of tasks I assigned to you (if any). I prefer to build trust among us and not be required to micromanage you or to provide a detailed task list and reminders from time to time.
If this is something you will consider, feel free to send me your resume/provide a short description of yourself.

Required Skills / Duties

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