Western Chinese family looking for a domestic helper
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Western Chinese family looking for a domestic helper

Chinese | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member

Posted: 3 days ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

Looking for a live-in full time helper to start in Hong Kong asap - 

number of people: 4 including 2 kids aged 1 and 4, both boys 

Duties: standard house keeping, cooking, cleaning, food shopping, taking kids to activities, and other regular housework 

House: 950 sqr feet with balcony, no garden, no pets, no elderlies, helper will be given own bathroom and own bedroom



aged 33- 43, ideally with kids aged above 10 

Must love kids and must understand toddlers 

Must have experience with kids aged 1-5 in Hong Kong 

Must love cooking and be able to follow recipes, both Chinese and Western food 

Must be clean and be able to work fast

Must be able to follow instruction and be a good and clear communicator 

Must be able to start ASAP 

ONLY HELPERS WITH 5+ years HONG KONG experience will be considered 


Required Skills / Duties

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