Looking for Indonesian helper urgently
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Looking for Indonesian helper urgently

Chinese | Family | with 2 adults | 2 - Member

Posted: 17 min. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

Hello dear

I am looking for a Cantonese speaking Indonesian helper to take care of my parents, who are in their early 70s. The right candidate must  understand and speak Cantonese and can cook Chinese food. Primary duties include taking care of my parents, cooking and cleaning (no pets). Both of my parents function well but my dad is recovering from a big surgery and so needs more help. 

My parents live in Fortress h=Gill (5 minute walk from MTR station) and a separate room will be provided. Salary starts at HKD5,000 and can increase depends on experience. We are flexible with days off. Medical check (before job start) and medical benefits will be provided. 

We will accept candidates who have completed their contract or break with good reasons (relocation, financial difficulties, etc.) and reference from previous employer(s) is a bonus. 



Required Skills / Duties

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