HongKongese | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member
Posted: 1 day ago
The family member is 2 adults+1 boy toddler who is almost 15month now, and a new born. Helper will share the room with toddler.
The work duty include:
1. Simple breakfast for 1-2 adult such as eggs on toast and a cup of tea. Lunch for me and kid , Dinner for all family members.
2. Taking care of new born with me and look after/play with toddler. diaper change and wash the toddler's butt if he has poo poo.
3. Make milk for the kid also to learn how to make new born burp after she had milk.
4. During the afternoon the kid's grandparents will come over to look after boy for at least 4-5 hours. Helper will have time to do laundry, housekeeping, groceries,and prepare for dinner, if you manage it all then you will have 1 hour break.
5. Give kids bath ( me and my husband will take turn to do it with you).
6.Clear up kitchen, wash dishes, wash milk bottles and sanitize it, wipe table, child dinning chair, wipe the floor.
Our relationship is built on trust. Please be honest, diligent, clean, and tidy.