Loving Chinese family looking for a helper for 2.5yo boy!
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Loving Chinese family looking for a helper for 2.5yo boy!

Chinese | Family | with 2 adults + 3 kids and pet | 5 - Member

Posted: 3 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We are an easy going family of 2 adults & 3 kids, aged 7, 6 and 2.5. 

We are looking for someone to take care of our 2.5 year old boy and some basic household work. We are looking for someone who likes kids, who's energetic and cheerful and likes to work as a team!  The major duties would be to bring the kid in and out for classes, talk to him, play with him, read stories etc.

We have 2 local drivers. And also 3 Filipino helpers now, two helpers responsible for the 7 & 6 year old kid. One helper focuses on cooking. 

Required Skills / Duties

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