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Looking for domestic helper in HK to start Feb 2023
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Looking for domestic helper in HK to start Feb 2023

Australian | Family | with 1 adult + 2 kids | 3 - Member

Posted: 2 yr. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

Australian single parent looking for a DH. Absolute priority is meticulous house cleaning. Not much cooking required. Looking after two 10 year old children only 6 days per fortnight. Employer often travels for work. Flexibility with working hours required (busier when children stay, much quieter when no children). Must have references and contact details from previous employers.

- Wednesday day off (not negotiable)
- Own room with A/C, window and storage
- Own toilet
- Salary offer starts at $5,500
- Finished contract or soon to finish only
- Honesty and trustworthiness an absolute must
- Start work 13 February 2023

Required Skills / Duties

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