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Western-Chinese with 8 years old boy looking for Helper ASAP
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Western-Chinese with 8 years old boy looking for Helper ASAP

Western | Family | with 2 adults + 1 kid

Posted: 6 yr. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

The helper is expected to bring our son, 8-yrs old, to school on most school days. She is also expected to provide the meals, do grocery shopping and keep the flat (3-BR) tidy and neat. Occasionally, she can supervise our son to ensure that he has done homework. We live in Park Island.

The helper will have her own small room. We are a friendly Christian family. We would welcome a helper who is honest and has personal integrity. The job tasks are easy to learn. We expect a hard-working person, who will have the appropriate amount to breaks and rest. A person who is talkative and friendly would be best in this job.

Required Skills / Duties

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