All domestic helpers employed in Hong Kong are entitled to either free food or a food allowance from the employer. The 2024 food allowance amount is set at HK$ 1,236 per month, applicable to all the contracts signed on or after September 28th, 2024. Whether to give free food or food allowance is a personal choice of the employer. However, most employers choose to provide free food as the option is more convenient for them and also the employer believes that it helps them to save some amount instead of giving food allowance.
Like any other country, the employment rights of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong are protected by the law. This article is to discuss all you need to know about the helpers Food Allowance in Hong Kong along with other important things.
As per the law, a Hong Kong resident willing to hire a foreign domestic helper should pay a salary that is no less than the Minimum Allowable Wage currently set at HK$ 4,990 per month. Based on the helper's experience and skills, the salary is between HK$4,990 and HK$15,000. The Standard Employment Contract directs the employer to provide the helper with the following essentials during their employability:
Below are some of the important points regarding both options so that employers and helpers can make an informed decision about which to choose.
The biggest benefit of offering a food allowance is that it avoids any conflicts over the amount of food your helper is eating or over the choice and quality of the food offered. Often, the employer’s choice of food doesn’t coincide with the helper’s food habits, and a food allowance is a great way to prevent such conflict situations.
A wise thing to do for the employers is to develop a system of keeping workers signed monthly receipts of their salary and food allowance to protect their interests in case of any conflicts later on.
Although the government has set the food allowance based on the general labor market and living situation, it is entirely up to the employer to increase the allowance later if they feel that the set allowance is not enough for the helper to eat healthily.
If in case the employer decides to follow the ‘free food’ condition to the helper, below are some of the important points to consider:
Below are some of the labor rights that the foreign domestic helpers enjoy and should know about-
The employer is responsible for following all the conditions set under the law for the domestic helper’s employability to maintain the helper's well-being. The employer-helper relationship should be based on mutual trust and respect and benefit both parties equally.