More than one million Domestic Helpers or housemaids are currently working in Saudi Arabia in order to take care of your families or children. HelperPlace will allow you to connect and message with the best foreign domestic workers looking for a new employer. Easily check availability, skills and experiences and make the right choice!
More than one million Domestic Helpers or Housemaids are currently working in Saudi Arabia in order to take care of their families or children. HelperPlace will allow you to connect and message the best foreign domestic workers looking for a new employer. Easily check availability, skills, and experiences and make the right choice!
You must be aware of the fact that there are certain laws for domestic helpers in Saudi Arabia that you will need to adhere to.
To get through the visa of your domestic helper, you must fit in the minimum salary and bank balance criteria for at least 6 months. This amount will vary depending on the number of helpers you continue to hire. So make sure that you fit into this criteria.
A male member of the family who has applied to hire a housemaid in Saudi Arabia must be married. Bachelors are not eligible to hire a domestic helper in Saudi Arabia. Whereas, there is no such rule for female applicants who have applied to hire a domestic helper in Saudi Arabia.
There are many hiring agencies in Saudi Arabia that can help you provide domestic helpers from different countries by complying with all legal requirements. Before starting your recruitment journey, check the list of accredited agencies on Musaned. So, hiring one from any of these agencies is always a good idea.
While applying for a domestic helper through any of the hiring agencies, you must clearly state your particular requirements from the helper. These specifications could be about the domestic helper’s nationality, age, religion, expertise, etc. This will eventually help you find out suitable candidates for the job.
About 2 million foreign workers in Saudi Arabia are employed as domestic helpers. HelperPlace has listed many qualified candidates with experience (Filipino Housemaid, Housekeeper, Maid, Driver, Cook Chef…). Are you currently looking for a domestic helper in Saudi Arabia? Do you want to hire a new employee for your family? You can now connect with helpers close to you! Don’t forget to post a job ad on HelperPlace, and you will get more chances to screen and match with your domestic helper.
HelperPlace is also macthing employers and maids in the following countries: Hong Kong, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Macau and Malaysia. HelperPlace is also available on Facebook. We share with you the best candidates but also news & tips about domestic helpers (contract, hiring process, obligations, etc.). Join us and spread the word to your friends.
More than one million Domestic Helpers or Housemaids are currently working in Saudi Arabia in order to take care of their families or children. HelperPlace will allow you to connect and message the best foreign domestic workers looking for a new employer. Easily check availability, skills, and experiences and make the right choice!
You must be aware of the fact that there are certain laws for domestic helpers in Saudi Arabia that you will need to adhere to.
To get through the visa of your domestic helper, you must fit in the minimum salary and bank balance criteria for at least 6 months. This amount will vary depending on the number of helpers you continue to hire. So make sure that you fit into this criteria.
A male member of the family who has applied to hire a housemaid in Saudi Arabia must be married. Bachelors are not eligible to hire a domestic helper in Saudi Arabia. Whereas, there is no such rule for female applicants who have applied to hire a domestic helper in Saudi Arabia.
There are many hiring agencies in Saudi Arabia that can help you provide domestic helpers from different countries by complying with all legal requirements. Before starting your recruitment journey, check the list of accredited agencies on Musaned. So, hiring one from any of these agencies is always a good idea.
While applying for a domestic helper through any of the hiring agencies, you must clearly state your particular requirements from the helper. These specifications could be about the domestic helper’s nationality, age, religion, expertise, etc. This will eventually help you find out suitable candidates for the job.
About 2 million foreign workers in Saudi Arabia are employed as domestic helpers. HelperPlace has listed many qualified candidates with experience (Filipino Housemaid, Housekeeper, Maid, Driver, Cook Chef…). Are you currently looking for a domestic helper in Saudi Arabia? Do you want to hire a new employee for your family? You can now connect with helpers close to you! Don’t forget to post a job ad on HelperPlace, and you will get more chances to screen and match with your domestic helper.
HelperPlace is also macthing employers and maids in the following countries: Hong Kong, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Macau and Malaysia. HelperPlace is also available on Facebook. We share with you the best candidates but also news & tips about domestic helpers (contract, hiring process, obligations, etc.). Join us and spread the word to your friends.